Why 'solid infill' has double layer height?
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Why 'solid infill' has double layer height?  

Eminent Member
Why 'solid infill' has double layer height?


Hi all.  I am slicing with PS 2.3.3 a simple 40mm x 40mm x 5mm cube with 0.2mm layer height and 5 bottom and 5 top solid layers. Everything looks good except for the first of the five top layers (feature type 'solid infill') which has a layer height of 0.4mm instead of the expected 0.2mm.

Any idea what causes it and how to make all the top layers to have 0.2mm height?







This topic was modified 3 years temu 2 times by zapta
Opublikowany : 26/12/2021 5:45 pm
Illustrious Member

You haven’t attached a project file so no one can be sure without one. Please save your project from Prusa slicer, take the saved 3mf file and ZIP it up. Then attach the zip here. Must be zipped or it won’t attach. 
However that light blue is bridge infill which is printed at default as nozzle width in layer height. This is because it can’t be squished onto the layer below. I’m 2.3 or below you have no control over that. In 2.4 there’s a tickbox called thick bridges which is enabled by default. Turn that off and the logic is disabled. 

Opublikowany : 27/12/2021 12:50 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Why 'solid infill' has double layer height?

Thanks @neophyl, that answers my question. I will look for 2.4 and see how it behaves with the feature disabled.

Opublikowany : 27/12/2021 2:50 am