What resin printers are compatible with prusaslicer ?
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What resin printers are compatible with prusaslicer ?  

What resin printers are compatible with prusaslicer ?

I struggle to find information on which resin 3D printers are compatible with prusaslicer.

Obviously Prusa's own SL1 is compatible with prusaslicer, but I noticed that the Anycubic Photon X family of printers also has official profiles in prusaslicer. But what about other resin printers from Anycubic ? Digging in Anycubic's slicer Photon Workshop, the file format for the Photon X is the same as for the M3 family (pw0mlg), yet the extension is different. Does this mean that the M3 printers are also compatible with prusasclier and that you just need to add a custom profile ?

Almost all other resin printer brands seems to use Chitubox (correct me if I'm wrong). From what I understand Chitubox is pretty locked in and it is not possible to use these printers with something other than Chitubox, is this correct ?

Bonus question : Can prusaslicer work over the network with Anycubic (or other brands) resin printers ?

Many Thanks

Respondido : 23/01/2024 8:02 am
Active Member
RE: What resin printers are compatible with prusaslicer ?

There is a pull request here:



Respondido : 20/08/2024 9:37 pm