Virtual extruder filament change filament at start of gcode
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Virtual extruder filament change filament at start of gcode  

Noble Member
Virtual extruder filament change filament at start of gcode

I'm playing with virtual extruders. Weird thing the PrusaSlicer adds a filament change at the begin, which is great if you haven't already loaded the correct filament (which I certainly do). So I'm currently manually removing the first filament change gcode from the output file. I wonder if there's a way to do that automatically?

Respondido : 14/07/2020 12:35 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Virtual extruder filament change filament at start of gcode

same issue...  looking for solution

Respondido : 16/07/2020 9:05 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Virtual extruder filament change filament at start of gcode

Don't load the filament before printing 🤣 

Sorry that was probably too tongue in cheek but it would solve your issue.  
You could look at writing a post processing script and adding it to the Print Settings profile that you are using.  That's the usual way of doing it without the process being manual.

As usual Bob has some info on it to get you started  

Respondido : 16/07/2020 11:23 am
marcottt me gusta
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Virtual extruder filament change filament at start of gcode


"Don't load the filament before printing". My first reaction was *&^%$ but then I remembered when my nephew said if he did this (demonstration odd head moment) it hurt, to which I replied .... well don't do that.

The post processing stuff is exactly what I want, thanks to you and Bob.


Respondido : 16/07/2020 2:01 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Virtual extruder filament change filament at start of gcode

Unfortunately no hablo Python, but I suspect the line "sourceFile=sys.argv" is reading the command-line arguments. Does anybody know what variables are passed?


Respondido : 16/07/2020 2:15 pm