View of Print settings in separate window
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View of Print settings in separate window  

New Member
View of Print settings in separate window

Is there a way like Cura to get the print settings with a drop-down list on the main window sidebar? I don't understand how to make that happen. All I see is when you right-click you have to add like submenus but click every one you want? This really makes no sense so I know I must be doing something wrong to always have to open a whole separate window to change a simple setting.

Respondido : 25/01/2022 6:22 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: View of Print settings in separate window

The right click options are modifiers.  They only apply to the specific object.  They are not the normal settings.  Think of them like specific over rides of the global settings.  Which is why you have to add them individually.

PS does things differently to Cura.  Thankfully.

If you go into Settings>Preferences (Cntrl+P)  there is a GUI tab.  There are 3 options in there you can experiment with.  I suspect the closest to Cura is the Settings in a non modal window option.  Select that.  Once you have that option enabled you can open up an extra window that will contain the print/filament and settings tab.  Its then independent so you can move it where ever you want.  Personally I cant stand that way of working but each to their own.  If thats not what you meant then the 'original' method uses a tabbed system so its a bit more web browser like.

If you are looking for it to work like Cura then you are going to be disappointed.  

Respondido : 25/01/2022 7:11 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: View of Print settings in separate window l

I saw in the preferences the different options and they are not what I mean. It's ok to have a separate window on a desk top but when space is at a premium on a laptop it makes it drives me crazy having to switch back and forth when there is all that room right there in the sidebar staring at me doing nothing. I can't believe this was a conscious choice. I guess Prusaslicer is not for me. Thanks for the reply.

Respondido : 26/01/2022 1:41 am