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Using two extruders  

Noble Member
Using two extruders

This is all very new to me, I haven't even got my Mini yet but I'm having a play while I wait.

I saw an interesting post here and thought I'd try to duplicate with the latest version of Prusa Slicer. When I change extruders 1 to 2 and look back at the plater view, an odd object has been created that I can't delete. I've probably done something dim, anyone?



This topic was modified 5 years temu by towlerg
Opublikowany : 11/11/2019 5:14 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Using two extruders

That's the "waste block" also called a "purge block" or in PrusaSlicer a "Wipe tower". When printing using the same extruder for multiple filaments the printer needs somewhere to purge the old filament out at a filament change. This waste block provides the place to dump the excess filament.

If you are manually changing filaments for different colors, this purge happens as part of the filament change process so this feature can be turned off. See under "Print Settings/Multiple Extruders" the Wipe tower section to disable it.

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Opublikowany : 11/11/2019 5:31 pm
Noble Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Using two extruders


Well that makes sense. Thanks for the clear explanation. I'm begin to get a notion of just how steep a leaning curve I am on.

Opublikowany : 11/11/2019 8:32 pm