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Using PrusaSlicer as a replacement for Chitubox?
I'm a proud owner of an MK3S+ and love it, but I also recently purchased a FlashForge Foto 8.9 for resin printing. Currently, I use Chitubox for my resin stuff, but I find the interface annoying and the software occasionally buggy.
Is there a way to get PrusaSlicer to be able to generate code for the Foto SLA? I looked around for a profile or something to import but couldn't find anything useful.
Posted : 26/04/2022 2:50 pm
RE: Using PrusaSlicer as a replacement for Chitubox?
Yes you can. I use only PrusaSlicer for my resin printer (Creality Halot Sky). Just install UVtools. UVTools can automatically convert SL1 files to most other formats. Just follow the instructions here :
Posted : 11/05/2022 7:58 pm
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