Using PrusaSlicer as a batch-conversion software (STL to 3MF)
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Using PrusaSlicer as a batch-conversion software (STL to 3MF)  

New Member
Using PrusaSlicer as a batch-conversion software (STL to 3MF)

Hi! 🙂

I am unsure where to post a feature suggestion for future versions of PrusaSlicer, so I am giving it a go here. If you know of a more official or direct way to suggest this feature to the developers of PrusaSlicer, please let me know. 

I am looking for a tool to batch-convert STL files to 3MF. Simply put, this tool would convert each STL file into a folder (and sub-folders) and create a 3MF version of the STL files in the same path or other if specified.

I thought that PrusaSlicer could be the perfect software for this task. As it also has a feature for simplifying models to reduce the file size, this could be added to the batch-conversion task. This tool could easily be placed under the File menu as File > Batch-convert.

I am thankful for any information you may have regarding this request to batch-convert STL to 3MF. I found the software Spin 3D and gave it a try, but it turned out that the resulting 3MF files became unreadable by PrusaSlicer and other 3MF-compatible software.

Cheers, 🙂


Posted : 03/08/2022 9:05 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Using PrusaSlicer as a batch-conversion software (STL to 3MF)

. If you know of a more official or direct way to suggest this feature to the developers of PrusaSlicer, please let me know.

Sure. It's


Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 04/08/2022 8:22 pm
Illustrious Member
Try PrusaSlicer command line options
Posted by: @stemfie3d

[...] I am looking for a tool to batch-convert STL files to 3MF. Simply put, this tool would convert each STL file into a folder (and sub-folders) and create a 3MF version of the STL files in the same path or other if specified.

I don't have a definitive answer for you, but a possible starting point. PrusaSlicer was based on Slic3r which had a rather complete command line feature set that I made frequent use of in the past. After the transition and rewriting of PrusaSlicer, some features were changed or lost. It does appear that the --export-3mf option still exists. I can't do any more testing right now, but definitely check this option out. On MacOS the option is still present in PrusaSlicer 2.4.2.

What you'd need to do is to write a script to load each STL into PrusaSlicer, then export as a 3MF. You'd probably want to tweak the settings for each file to use your preferred print settings.


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He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 04/08/2022 9:17 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Using PrusaSlicer as a batch-conversion software (STL to 3MF)

Thank you both for the suitable answers! I'll look into this shortly. 🙂



Posted : 05/08/2022 6:41 am