Upgraded to MK4S, now all gcode expects a MMU
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Upgraded to MK4S, now all gcode expects a MMU  

Active Member
Upgraded to MK4S, now all gcode expects a MMU

Hi all,

Here's the full story: I've been running PrusaSlicer v2.8.1+linux-x64-GTK3 and been perfectly happy with it operating my MK4. I did the upgrade to MK4S, which entails a printer FW upgrade, plus a PrusaSlicer config update. Since then, whenever I export gcode directly to the printer, the printer complains that the file is invalid because it needs a MMU, which I do not have. I must manually confirm to print anyway, and there are no further issues.

How can I configure PrusaSlicer to stop dreaming of a MMU? It's a hassle because I need to walk down to the basement every time just to hit "print anyway" and it's not like I really need the exercise 🤓 .

Thanks for any help.


Posted : 18/02/2025 2:39 am
Prominent Member
RE: Upgraded to MK4S, now all gcode expects a MMU

I'm guessing you've got it enabled in the printer settings.  I'm not at my machine, but go into settings and hardware.  I'm guessing it's in there.

Posted : 18/02/2025 2:42 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Upgraded to MK4S, now all gcode expects a MMU

Indubitably; it's not like I haven't looked. I did get it to stop thinking about 5 extruders. See attached screenshot of the printer config. I already set the Capabilities->Extruders to 1 (it was 5), but Single Extruder Multi Material is the closest I get to "MMU" in all screens, and this is disabled. Can't find any other references to an MMU.




Posted : 18/02/2025 2:56 am
Emily Johnson
RE: Upgraded to MK4S, now all gcode expects a MMU

Charles, could you confirm the exact firmware version you're running on your MK4S? It's possible there's a bug or a specific setting related to the firmware that's causing this issue. Knowing the version might help us narrow down the problem.

Posted : 18/02/2025 10:55 am
Prominent Member
RE: Upgraded to MK4S, now all gcode expects a MMU


Posted by: @crw4096psa

Indubitably; it's not like I haven't looked. I did get it to stop thinking about 5 extruders. See attached screenshot of the printer config. I already set the Capabilities->Extruders to 1 (it was 5), but Single Extruder Multi Material is the closest I get to "MMU" in all screens, and this is disabled. Can't find any other references to an MMU.




Looks to me like you accidentally selected the MK4S MMU3 printer profile instead of the normal MK4S printer profile. If you don't have the normal MK4S printer profile, go through the configuration wizard and double check that you have the correct printers selected.

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Posted : 18/02/2025 5:53 pm
Brian liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Upgraded to MK4S, now all gcode expects a MMU

Yes I think I did this. So I went back and unselected the MMU versions and selected the proper one. I'm now struggling to find where in the Pslicer GUI I can delete the unneeded printers from the pulldown selection list. When I select "Add/Remove" from the printer selection list, I get the config wizard again. Under "Prusa Research" are all the printers, and I have selected the Original Prusa MK4S with the HF0.4 mm nozzle and the regular 0.4 mm nozzle. But *that's it* - no other printers are selected and there's nothing here to delete printers from the list. Selecting "Finish" puts me back at the Plater screen and I still have all the printers in the list. See attached. I'd like to get rid of the ones I don't have.



Posted : 19/02/2025 3:29 am