Unexpected Bridging
When I load the Hindged_Switch_Case_V5_Joined_Base_1.stl file and slice it using PrusaSlicer V2.1.0+linux64 it adds a bridge across the top that should not be there. Could someone else try slicing this and see if they get the same result?
RE: Unexpected Bridging
Update: Just noticed that the bridge only appears when layer thickness is set to 0.11mm through 0.16mm. Any other thickness seems to work just fine.
RE: Unexpected Bridging
Post a picture of what you are seeing in the slicer. Without that we can only guess what you mean. But without anything to go on I'm guessing it may be a malformed STL.
RE: Unexpected Bridging
Yes, that shows it all. The triangle on the right panel indicates there is an error with the STL file. You can try sending it to a free online repair service like NetFabb and hopefully that will fix the issue.
There's probably an infinitely thin face that's not rendering visibly but enough to trigger extrusion, likely as a result of a difference operation in the original CAD that wasn't oversized. Funny things happen when trying to calculate surface intersections in floating point that are exactly the same.
RE: Unexpected Bridging
Ah, thanks for the info. That triangle appears on so many stl files I download and rarely causes an noticeable problems, so I've gotten numb to it and don't pay any attention to the triangle. 🙂
RE: Unexpected Bridging
Plicer tries to correct for a bad model, and a lot of the time seems to do a passable job correcting the error. The other times you really need to fix the model, and that is where NetFabb, MeshMixer, one of the 3D programs that comes with Win10 (someone else has mentioned it, I don't use it so I don't remember what it is called), or similar programs/services come into play. If you are on Win10 using Plicer, using the NetFabb service is as easy as right clicking on the exclamation mark.
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