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Tuning bridging  

Estimable Member
Tuning bridging

I've never dealt with long bridges, and have a need to print something with ~50mm bridges.  The bridges are relatively thin (2-3mm) and 5mm tall.

Some time ago I found this test, which I just ran with PLA, 0.6mm nozzle, 0.3mm layer height; photo attached.  The bridges are 3 layers thick.

Several things stand out to me:

1. Even some of the early short bridges aren't clean; there are many failures where the first strand did not attach to the point of departure.

2. Bridges along one of the primary axes of the printer seemed to be more successful than others.

3. Even successful bridges seem to have "slots" in them from insufficient filament deposition.

I'm going to need to print bridges in nylon, but thought I would tune with PLA first.  I'm running an I3MK3S, fw 3.13.1, slicer 2.6.1

Thoughts on how to tune this for better performance?


Respondido : 11/10/2023 11:21 pm
Active Member
RE: Tuning bridging


looking for the same... did you find a solution to get a better sticking at the start of the bridge?

1. Even some of the early short bridges aren't clean; there are many failures where the first strand did not attach to the point of departure.

Respondido : 23/04/2024 7:17 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Tuning bridging


Posted by: @maetthum

looking for the same... did you find a solution to get a better sticking at the start of the bridge?

1. Even some of the early short bridges aren't clean; there are many failures where the first strand did not attach to the point of departure.

I got side-tracked and never got that figured out, unfortunately.  I think I was going to try slowing down both Jerk (X,Y) and Acceleration for bridging, and up the Bridge Flow Ratio.  Obviously one at a time to see which ones have any affect. This article describes the effects some.  I also just ran across this tuning guide which I haven't read but which might help.

Respondido : 24/04/2024 2:01 am