Trying to cut an object, I get an error "Object outside the print area..."
I have used the cut tool before, but only once, and a long time ago (probably a different version too). I scaled some parts up, and cut off the top and in my case, it works. I'd like to do that with another of the parts, and since we don't have a part specific ruler anywhere in-program, I'm using the previous scaled up part as an indicator of where I need to cut the new piece. However, when I draw a line with the tool, I get an error and no cut. I might be doing it wrong, but there's really not much to screw up here, so idk what's going on.
I've done an internet search, found the how to guide, checked the bug tracker, and haven't found anything to help.
This(link) is the thing I'm working on: I've printed the base and 2 sides at 150%. The sides were cut with prusaslicer, and now I'm trying to do the same with the back.
Here's the error message. Not much to go off of.
Version 2.7.1+win64
Don't forget that you have the measuring tool to help you with this sort of work.
The 'error' is something between a warning and a true error, if any part still overhangs the printable area after the cut it will remain - but a rearrangement or a second cut should fix it. Sections moved wholly off the plate to make room (and perhaps onto another plate) will not interfere with slicing.
If the cut is not performed you may have one or more parts unselected.
Never heard of the measuring tool, that would be helpful.
I managed to get it to work by changing the cut tool to "cut into objects" while they were occupying the same bed space, then it was able to jetison the extra object off the bed and be happy.
Why does the cutting tool want to rotate the part? That makes no sense either.