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"Detect Thin Walls" Question  

Active Member
"Detect Thin Walls" Question

Let me start by saying that I just got my Mini+ yesterday and have only made a single test print so far after calibration. My question revolves around the preview I see of a custom object I am working on in the slicer. The object has some very fine edges. The preview shows some of those surfaces malformed/broken compared to the actual object.

I assume the software is very sophisticated and that is likely what my print would actually look like. I turned on "detect thin walls" and the preview then looked more accurate to what I would expect.

Is "detect thin walls" the correct solution to the problem the preview was exhibiting?

Currently running version 2.2.

This topic was modified 4 years temu 2 times by tbrock47
Opublikowany : 02/03/2021 8:53 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: "Detect Thin Walls" Question

Detect thin walls is one solution, 
making the model with thicker walls is another option, 
using a thinner nozzle is a further option, 
Reducing the extrusion width for external perimeters may be another option, (Depending upon how close to the current extrusion width, the current model thickness is,  (Default External Perimeter extrusion width for a 0.4mm nozzle on a mk3 printer is 0.45mm, I expectt he mini, is similar))
changing the XY Size Compension factor to sat 0.1 0r higher may be another option. (this changes the model dimensions slightly,) 

Which is the best for your application, is up to you, 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 02/03/2021 10:05 pm
Antonio polubić
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: "Detect Thin Walls" Question


Looks like you're correct. I printed twice. Once with thin wall detection turned on and once with thicker walls in the model, and both times it printed as I expected.

Now the next problem I have to sort out is why I always have a very small gap at every retraction when printing. Almost like the printer should be leaving more filament prior to each retraction. Investigating that now.

Opublikowany : 06/03/2021 3:52 am
Estimable Member
RE: "Detect Thin Walls" Question

Any reason why just no engaged detect thin walls all the time, any down side to it? Most of what I'm printing it seems to make everything better.... or am i just lucky 😀 

Prusa Mini+ (Ordered Dec 19,2020 - Arrived Feb 21,2021) stated clicking Mar 2nd / MP Select Mini V2

Opublikowany : 08/03/2021 2:58 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: "Detect Thin Walls" Question


I suppose it depends on what you're modeling. Some models may need to be very specific/precise and you don't want the software making decisions about adding additional material not in the model.

Additionally, all those automated intelligence actions like thin wall detection require more processing power, and slicing time increases.

Opublikowany : 08/03/2021 5:00 am
Illustrious Member
RE: "Detect Thin Walls" Question


The defaults do have it turned on all the time.  Unfortunately it can cause as many issues as it 'fixes' which is why I have it OFF in my profiles. 
If thin walls is being used it means my model is being altered by some algorithm that I have no control over.  I far prefer to fix the model in question to make parts properly printable with the nozzle I am using.


You could experiment with a small value in Printer Settings>Extruder>Retraction>Extra Length on Restart.  Or try adjusting your retraction and de-retraction speeds.

Opublikowany : 08/03/2021 7:26 am