The command line --load argument
I'm on MacOS, and I'm running the slicer from the command line. To specify a common print config, filament config and/or printer config, I specify "--load --load "/Users/dcorbin/Library/Application Support/PrusaSlicer/filament/FooBar.ini" This seems to work, but when I look in the UI, the config is not "FooBar", but "FooBar.ini".
When I don't specify --load on the command line, none of the choices have ".ini" appended to them.
What's up with that? I'm I using --load incorrectly? Leaving the ".ini" off of the argument creates an error that it can't find the file.
There are several config options available at the command line, use:
./<Path to PrusaSlicer> --help > prusaslicerhelp.txt
./<Path to PrusaSlicer> --help-fff > prusaslicerfffhelp.txt
To extract the help in a searchable form.
RE: The command line --load argument
Yes. I've know that. None of that answers the question of why the name of the config appears differently when used with "--load" than when loaded using the GUI.