Supports Only Generating Near Perimeters?
Hello all,
I've got a print I'm wanting to run that has a large overhang. The weird thing is, I can't get supports to print under the whole overhang. See pictures below, showing supports and then first bridging layer above them. These are with stock 0.2mm speed mk3 settings.
It appears that supports are only being generated near perimeters (those two squares in the middle are around a couple of holes). Any ideas how to get them to print further back under it as well?
Thank you
RE: Supports Only Generating Near Perimeters?
it's bridging to the supports!
have you tried unticking 'Don't Support under bridges?'
it's in the support material menu and requires advanced mode or better!
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Supports Only Generating Near Perimeters?
it's bridging to the supports!
have you tried unticking 'Don't Support under bridges?'
it's in the support material menu and requires advanced mode or better!regards Joan
Aha, that did it! Thank you very much.