Suggestion: Enable perimeter amount for outside/inside of model
Please enable the option to select inner and outer perimeter amounts. For example 2 perimeters on the outside and 1 for everything inside. This would save material and time for users. Thankyou for your hard work!
RE: Suggestion: Enable perimeter amount for outside/inside of model
The tricky part is the slicer knowing what you mean by the inside and outside of a model. Even the recess in the part you show printing the slicer thinks of that as outside the model because it is outside the actual volume of the part. Not the exterior surface closest to the bounding box on all sides. I mean, if you were printing a mug with a handle, would the exterior faces on the inside of the handle be part of the inside or outside? Too many edge cases where it can get confusing to an algorithm. Much easier to use a mesh modifier to explicitly tell the slicer where you want fewer perimeters.
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