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Suggested Improvement - Multiple Platters
I often have to lay out multiple parts that won't all fit onto one platter. I have to try and guess which parts will go together to minimise overall print time.
Is it possible to add an option to add more than one platter to PrusaSlicer so that multiple prints can be layed out and then each platter can be sliced and saved individually?
Postato : 15/08/2020 1:07 am
RE: Suggested Improvement - Multiple Platters
Incorporate all parts first
1. Organize those that will fit on the build plate, select all those not on the build plate, delete and save (using a new project name).
2. Undo the delete and delete those on the build plate.
3. Restart on 1 until finished
Having problems with bed adhesion every morning...
Postato : 15/08/2020 5:36 am