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Strange perimiter "skipping"  

Active Member
Strange perimiter "skipping"

So it seems like prusaslicer (2.3.3) is doing something weird with the top of my perimiter / top layer? Has anyone else encountered this before? is this my model? It's worth noting I did scale down a model, and this problem isn't there on the original 100% scale model, but i scaled it down on the z-axis by 73.33%

Best Answer by Julian:

setting the extrusion width to the same as the other parameters (0.9, down from 1.0) seemed to fix this just fine :), so pretty sure that "line" was just a tad to small to fit a 1.0mm wide extrusion, but did work out on one diagonal (and partly on the corners).

Opublikowany : 12/09/2021 1:46 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
just remembered I swapped nozzles

Actually, I just came to think of this... the original model was probably only designed to be printed on 0.4mm nozzle... I just switched to a 0.8mm nozzle and for some reason thought it would "just work fine" after slicing... most likely this is the culprit here...

Opublikowany : 12/09/2021 1:48 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: fixed with extrusion width setting

setting the extrusion width to the same as the other parameters (0.9, down from 1.0) seemed to fix this just fine :), so pretty sure that "line" was just a tad to small to fit a 1.0mm wide extrusion, but did work out on one diagonal (and partly on the corners).

Opublikowany : 12/09/2021 1:52 am