Speed limitation basing on extruder limit
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Speed limitation basing on extruder limit  

Eminent Member
Speed limitation basing on extruder limit


there is parameter Maximum feedrate E, that actually should serve as print speed limit, but I don't see that it's respected. For instance:

It gives as maximum flow rate 2.4 mm^3/sec for 1.75 filament. Nevertheless if we set high speed we can get much more flow (corresponding to the speed):


And vise versa - set insane E feed and print speed, flow rate (and thus actual speed) are still limited to the same values.


Are 15.01 flow and 134.6 speed magic numbers?


Respondido : 30/10/2022 7:01 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Speed limitation basing on extruder limit

As you haven’t included a project file so we can see all your settings it’s going to be impossible to give you an answer.

The setting pictured , where is it ?  If it’s the one under printer settings then that isn’t used by the slicer. It’s passed to your printers firmware and the firmware is supposed to then use it as a limit regardless of what the gcode says. 
PS doesn’t actually use any of those printer settings values as limits when slicing. I know weird right.

If you want the values in the output gcode to be limited then you have to set them elsewhere, like restricting max volumetric flow, which is what you have in the preview. As you haven’t mentioned if you have that set then we can’t know. 

Respondido : 30/10/2022 10:19 am
Vovodroid me gusta
Famed Member
RE: Speed limitation basing on extruder limit

I can't see a picture or 3mf file. As neophyl pointed out the way to limit flow is through maximum volumetric speed. It *will* limit speed even if you set the speed very high. On the other hand, setting MVS high doesn't mean you will always see speed increases as that depends on the topology of the model and the hotends ability to accelerate.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 30/10/2022 11:33 am
Vovodroid me gusta
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Speed limitation basing on extruder limit

it’s the one under printer settings

Yes, nothing special thus I didn't include project.


he way to limit flow is through maximum volumetric speed.

Great, thanks!



Respondido : 30/10/2022 12:03 pm