Soluble Support interface material being used only *most* of the time
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Soluble Support interface material being used only *most* of the time  

New Member
Soluble Support interface material being used only *most* of the time

I've enabled soluble supports for Interface Material only (because I'm not made of money) but PrusaSlicer often prints supports using normal PLA filament on top of the print without using the interface material. This is maddening because 95% of my print can look amazing but it's covered in these areas that look like shit because I can't make it use the interface material unless I print the entire support structure with the Soluble filament.

I've attached a screenshot of what I'm talking about (soluble support is pink, rest is PLA), am I missing an obvious setting somewhere? I've looked and every setting that seems like it would affect this does not.

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 3 years par Jbecker221
Publié : 02/05/2022 12:11 am
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