Small gaps in 0.2 that don't appear in 0.1 or in Cura
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Small gaps in 0.2 that don't appear in 0.1 or in Cura  

Aviad Nissel
New Member
Small gaps in 0.2 that don't appear in 0.1 or in Cura

I'm making the transition over from Cura. I managed to get a nice 0.1 profile, but as soon as I change to layer height of 0.2 I start these small gaps in the calibration cube.

The layer height is the only change I make, and if I slice the cube in Cura everything comes out perfect, so I know my printer is capable of that.

I'm printing on Ender 3 V2 with eSun's PLA+ at 205c. I'm using PrusaSlicer 2.6.0-rc2 (it also happened on rc1).

In the picture - left one is 0.1 (one tiny gap but that's very minor), right one is 0.2.

Left cube is 0.1, right cube is 0.2

Publié : 17/06/2023 1:16 pm
Illustrious Member

It looks like your filament is getting damp.


Publié : 17/06/2023 2:22 pm
Aviad Nissel
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Small gaps in 0.2 that don't appear in 0.1 or in Cura
Posted by: @diem

It looks like your filament is getting damp.


The filament is stored in a dry box and inside a Sunlu dryer while I'm printing. Plus the 0.1 and the Cura's 0.2 were printed after the bad 0.2 so it should've affected them too.

Publié : 17/06/2023 2:44 pm
Illustrious Member

If you print a second one, are the flaws in the same places?


Publié : 17/06/2023 7:55 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Small gaps in 0.2 that don't appear in 0.1 or in Cura

I’m very interested in following this.  I’ve had similar flaws that I’ve never been able to figure out.  When I’ve zoomed in with my phone to watch it print in real time, I can actually see breaks in the filament flow exiting the nozzle in those places.

Publié : 18/06/2023 4:02 am
Illustrious Member

When it's caused by damp filament you may also see tiny puffs of steam and hear a slight popping sound.


Publié : 18/06/2023 5:38 am
Aviad Nissel
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Small gaps in 0.2 that don't appear in 0.1 or in Cura

I tried again with a different color. Printed twice in a row using the same gcode from PrusaSlicer and then once with Cura.

As you can see even though the gcode is the same the gaps are in different places. And again Cura's gcode looks much better.

I'm honestly a bit lost - the inconsistency points towards a printer problem but with a different slicer it looks great, so I'm out of ideas.


Publié : 20/06/2023 7:23 pm
Illustrious Member

We've had other people with Sunlu driers report this sort of issue recently.

At what temperature are you using Cura?


Publié : 20/06/2023 11:23 pm
Aviad Nissel
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Small gaps in 0.2 that don't appear in 0.1 or in Cura

I tried without the dryer (just hanging the PLA on top of the printer) but no joy.

I'm printing at 205c, 50c bed (first layer 210/60).

Publié : 21/06/2023 6:06 am
Noble Member
RE: Small gaps in 0.2 that don't appear in 0.1 or in Cura

I would say that just because you have those rolls in such driers, doesn't mean they can get damp. I would properly dry them in an oven anyway and see if it makes any difference. 

Are there any obvious differences beween Pusa Slicer profile and Cura profile? (temp, cooling settings, speed, extrusion factor, lane width...?)

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Publié : 21/06/2023 7:02 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Small gaps in 0.2 that don't appear in 0.1 or in Cura

I would also be adding differences in the retract/de-retract speeds to that list of things to compare.  Also is your Printer profile set up for relative or absolute extrusion ?

In fact why don't you save your project from Prusa Slicer (File>Save Project As). then take the resulting .3mf file, ZIP it up into an archive (.zip or rar etc) and attach it here.  Must be zipped or the forum wont allow you to attach it.  With a project we can examine all the settings as well as the slice preview etc.

Publié : 21/06/2023 1:17 pm
RE: Small gaps in 0.2 that don't appear in 0.1 or in Cura

Hello, I have the same problem for several months, when i print keychains i use the prusa but for large things use cura, beacause prusa makes these holes in the prints, I don't know what configuration I have wrong, could someone solve it?

I have 5 printers and I have this problem on all of them (ender 3 neo, ender 2 pro, ender cr10 smart, hellbot magna se) with different filaments. Thank you

Publié : 12/07/2023 1:15 pm
Illustrious Member

As above, save your project as a .3mf file

Files > Save Project as

Zip the .3mf and post it here. It will contain both your part and your settings for us to diagnose.


Publié : 12/07/2023 10:06 pm
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