Slicing not completing correctly
I’m having an issue where it looks good in preview but when sliced it gets all messed up
RE: Slicing not completing correctly
Im sorry those images are too small to tell what your issue is.
If you can you could save your project as a 3mf that will have all your used settings as well as the model, zip it up and post it here. That way we can have a look, try and duplicate the problem (once we know what you mean by messed up) and see if we can figure out why.
RE: Slicing not completing correctly
Does the red coloring not get your attention?
Your part has some issues that need to be fixed in your design software. I draw your attention to this info in the status box:
10 shells (if faces are not properly defined the slicer has no idea what to do); and 438 errors in the vertices. Fix these issues and it will probably slice better.