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Slicer 2.9 Bug?  

Active Member
Slicer 2.9 Bug?

Try to do multimaterial paint on surface. The painting working fine but when slicing get the following error.

Flow::spacing() produced negative spacing. Did you set some extrusion width too small?

I attached the 3mf file to show this.

Tried all different ways to paint on surface all produce the same error.

Did a goole search to see if this has already been reported but did not find anything.

Slicer version 2.9

Windows 7

Laptop IBM thinkpad 4 core 32GiG of memory.

Printer 5 toolhead XL


Respondido : 23/12/2024 8:34 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Slicer 2.9 Bug?

No 3mf file attached.  You must zip up files for the forum to accept them.  If you don't it will just silently not attach anything.  

This error has been encountered many times before.  Often seen when importing 3mf files from other slicers or when using percentage or auto based settings rather than absolute values.  
For example https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/13429 or 
https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/8862   or
https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/13573 for example.

If you do attach a 3mf project file we can take a look and see.  

Respondido : 23/12/2024 9:56 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Slicer 2.9 Bug?


Respondido : 23/12/2024 10:00 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Slicer 2.9 Bug?

Ok, thats a very weird one.  You really should report this one on the PS github and attach the project for the Dev's there to look at.

Anyway, I loaded your project in and changed the Print Settings>Advanced>Extrusion Width>Perimeters from 0 to 0.6 (which is what having zero in there is supposed to equate to).  Once you do that it will then slice.  Here is the weird bit though, I then edited it back to zero again and resliced.  And it did, even with the same original zero value in there. 

I can only suppose that something internally isn't initially being set when its opened with a zero in there, maybe its left as a null and not initialised properly, then once set to a non zero value it gets a proper value and from that point on can be edited like its supposed to.

Respondido : 23/12/2024 10:24 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Slicer 2.9 Bug?

Yes I found that out also, but after I uploaded the files.

I created a bug report on github and reference this forum entry.

Respondido : 23/12/2024 10:51 pm
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