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Sliced model filament cost.  

Eminent Member
Sliced model filament cost.

Where can I see in Prusa how much filament is used in terms of a monetary value. I've put the Cost and spool weight in to the PrusaSlicer filament settings but after slicing I can't see anywhere how much filament is used, except in m. I can do the maths to work it out but for every model I print that is a little time consuming. Cura does it so I'm hoping there is a feature in PrusaSlicer to do it that I don't have turned on or something. I've searching through the software and the forum but can't see anything about it. But I just thought I'd check too.

It seems odd to me that you can put the cost of the filament in but then nowhere can I see the cost of the print.

Thanks in advance.


Napsal : 09/02/2021 2:22 pm
Noble Member
RE: Sliced model filament cost.

You also need the density field in the filament settings to be filled.

Napsal : 09/02/2021 2:37 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Sliced model filament cost.


Brilliant. So it does! I left it blank as I didn't know what the density of my material was but a quick google search gave me the answer. Thank you very much for the swift answer. I really appreciate it! 😎 

Napsal : 09/02/2021 2:51 pm