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Sliced info (g) not showing  

Active Member
Sliced info (g) not showing

Good afternoon.

I'm using version 2.3.0 alpha2 and, when I slice my part, the information about filament used, in grams, doesn't show up.

Do I have to enable it somewhere?



I've searched the forum for "Used Filament" but got 0 hits.


Any help will much appreciated.

Thanks all!


Napsal : 27/02/2021 1:38 pm
Noble Member
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing

Any reason why you aren't running 2.3.0 final?

Napsal : 28/02/2021 10:50 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing


Other than being dumb and running the wrong shortcut? None, actually... 🤣


But it didn't make any difference. I put the spool weight and value under Filament Settings, and it's still not showing. Is there any other option I need to check/enable?




Napsal : 28/02/2021 11:46 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing
Posted by: @marco-11


Other than being dumb and running the wrong shortcut? None, actually... 🤣


But it didn't make any difference. I put the spool weight and value under Filament Settings, and it's still not showing. Is there any other option I need to check/enable?




I tried to edit the last post...

I changed the information on the spool weight to the actual weight (250g) but same result.

I must be forgetting to enable/check something somewhere...

Napsal : 28/02/2021 1:17 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing

You NEED to also have the filament density in the filament settings.  There's another post in this forum about this in the last week or so too

For weight to be calculated you need the volume and the density to give a weight.  Without a weight it cant give you a cost either.  Basic math.

Just look up the densities online or copy them from a different filament of the same type.  They used to be part of the filament settings so I don't know why you don't have them filled in.  PLA is 1.24g usually, petg is 1.27.

Napsal : 28/02/2021 1:31 pm
bobstro se líbí
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing


Thank you. 

Since I've searched specifically for "used filament" It didn't returned that post.

Thanks for the reply, I'll look into the density settings. 



Napsal : 28/02/2021 2:28 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing



Problem solved.

I did what you said, added the filament density and it worked. Thank you.



Napsal : 01/03/2021 8:38 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing

I suspect one of the configuration updates was/is missing the densities on recent builds.  Anyone with the older filament profiles wouldn't have noticed anything out of place but those installing profiles with those values missing are going to have the same trouble you did.

Don't feel bad about not finding previous posts here, the search function sucks.  I mentioned the other one to show that you arent the only person having this issue.  I also recall someone over on the Super Slicer github also having this issue (as its forked from PS and so suffers most of the same problems).

Anyway glad its working for you now.

Napsal : 01/03/2021 12:42 pm
Active Member

I searched until the end, and can't figure this one out. My "Sliced Info" box only shows Used Filament mm3. No meters, no price. I have all the required fields filled out in Filament Profile. Any ideas?

This post was modified před 1 year by Beeker
Napsal : 13/10/2023 10:08 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing

Beeker we would need to see your prusa slicer project file.  Slice so you get the same error and then use File>Save Project As.  That will generate a 3mf file.  A PS 3mf file contains not only the models being sliced but also copies of the 3 profiles you are using (print, filament and printer).  Its a snapshot of your slice environment and should allow anyone loading the project to get the same results , ie problem, that you are having.  We can then look through it to see if we can spot anything.

However one important thing to be aware of, the forum only allows a very limited subset of file types.  It doesn't accept 3mf (or stl, gcode etc)  So you have to ZIP the file up into an archive.  On windows you can use right click>send to>Compressed zip folder.  Then take the zip and attach it to a reply post here.

Napsal : 13/10/2023 11:32 pm
Active Member
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing

As requested, the 3mf. 


Napsal : 16/10/2023 1:34 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing

Thanks for the file Beeker.  I don't run a multi extruder setup so it took a bit of figuring out.  Looking at your file I noticed that it was using extruder 2 for the model.  After slicing if I change the key to tool then the sliced filament amounts were showing in the key for extruder 2.  So it looks like the general info after slicing was just showing the amounts for extruder 1, ie zero.

Which is strange as I have seen it show both on other sliced examples.  I took a deeper look and I noticed that your intro/purge line was always using extruder 1 while the object was using extruder 2, so not great.  

After a bit of experimentation I commented out your T1 line from your start gcode.  I notice from the comment on the line that it says it could be dropped as T1 is default.  Its not actually, T0 is.  Its a bit confusing as the T index starts at 0 while the extruder numbering starts at 1.  So 0=1, 1=2 etc.  Its fairly common in programming.

Anyway either commenting it out or changing it to T0 does result in the slice info showing the used filament for either 1 or both if you are using both extruders.

Napsal : 16/10/2023 9:04 am
Active Member

That's brilliant Neophyl! Your solution led me to another; Under Print Settings>Multiple Extruders>Extruders, selecting Extruder 2 gives the same results as commenting out the GCode. 

Thanks again!

This post was modified před 1 year by Beeker
Napsal : 16/10/2023 7:14 pm
Franky Egan
RE: Sliced info (g) not showing

just as a point, we already tell it the density (filament type below), it should not need the weight also to work out the gram usage.

(granted wood, metal and others have a different density, but at least we can have a rough estimate)

Napsal : 17/07/2024 11:34 pm