Showing "Feature type" legend in Preview mode with multi-filament model
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Showing "Feature type" legend in Preview mode with multi-filament model  

Active Member
Showing "Feature type" legend in Preview mode with multi-filament model

I'm currently trying to troubleshoot a problem with a multi-filament print in PrusaSlicer 2.4.1 - when I import a single part in the "Preview" view the legend shows a breakdown of feature types and the main window shades areas of the model accordingly - e.g.:

  • Perimeter
  • External perimeter
  • Internal fill
  • etc

When I add a second "part" to the model the legend changes to show the individual filaments:

  • Extruder 1
  • Extruder 2
  • etc

This is obviously very useful.

However, is there a way to revert the legend and model colours to show the "feature types" across the whole multi-part / multi-material model?

Best Answer by Neophyl:

Yes.  At the bottom left of the preview window there is a dropdown box.  Its called View:xxxxxx.   It allows you to show what the preview is, erm previewing.  

So you can change it back to Feature type, or volumetric flow, temperature, speed, fan etc.   


Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 3 years 4 mal von mike
Veröffentlicht : 21/04/2022 9:01 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Showing "Feature type" legend in Preview mode with multi-filament model

Yes.  At the bottom left of the preview window there is a dropdown box.  Its called View:xxxxxx.   It allows you to show what the preview is, erm previewing.  

So you can change it back to Feature type, or volumetric flow, temperature, speed, fan etc.   


Veröffentlicht : 21/04/2022 11:02 am
mike gefällt das
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:

Ah, perfect, thanks.

Tbh, I hadn't even spotted those dropdowns.

And actually the "Width" view confirms something I was trying to troubleshoot - the base of the wipe tower is nice and smooth when I print the model, but my main object has visible lines on the first layer. The Width view shows the model's lines are definitely narrower than the wipe tower. I just have to work out why now :-).

Please have a "+1" for your trouble, or whatever kudos system this board uses!

Veröffentlicht : 21/04/2022 11:20 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Showing "Feature type" legend in Preview mode with multi-filament model

Glad to help 🙂

The first layer has both its own layer height and extrusion width settings in the slicer (as well as others).  Its quite possible they are configured that way.

With things like this the 'normal' thing to do is save a project from Prusa Slicer that has the problem (File>Save Project As).  Take the resulting .3mf file and then zip it up.  Then attach it to a post here.  It must be zipped as the forum software doesn't allow many file types on the attachment process.  Also I think you have to have a minimum number of posts to be able to attach in the first place (5 I think).

A 3mf project file not only contains the model(s) but also all the settings/profiles being used, any modifiers, variable layer heights etc too.  It should allow anyone slicing it to get the same result as you so it really helps in debugging issues.  You can check through so many of the common gotcha settings quickly and easily.  There are so many settings that all interact you can spend hours and days going back and forth trying to narrow it down without a project. 
Once sliced it also has that oh so handy preview function as you have discovered 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 21/04/2022 12:17 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Showing "Feature type" legend in Preview mode with multi-filament model

Cheers. I posted my follow-up as a separate question here, btw…

I’ve already had a nose around inside a *.3mf file by unzipping it - I might see if I can find the instructions for the wipe tower and work out what it’s doing.

It’ll be a bit of a deep-dive, but it’s something to keep me out of trouble :-).

Veröffentlicht : 21/04/2022 1:47 pm