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Shape gallery  

New Member
Shape gallery

 I just added an alphanumeric library for you to use with the Shape Gallery feature. Now you can add labels, sizes, version numbers, email addresses, etc. to your printed products from Prusa Slicer (v2.40+).  It was created using Openscad referencing Google fonts that have been downloaded to your computer.  The scad file is included which means that you can create a Chinese character set if you wish or any other that you can get from Google fonts.   The current set is made with the Montserrat font.  The numbers, special characters and alphabet characters, both upper and lower case, can be scaled for your model to create indented or raised lettering. Check out Gallery Goodies for you Prusa Slicer

Get more information about the Shape Gallery feature from Prusa's update overview video on version 2.4 (2:47 mark)

Publié : 03/03/2022 4:41 pm
AGriggs191 a aimé
New Member
RE: Shape gallery

This is  exactly what I have been looking for so I can easily add text to my prints. Thank you!

Publié : 06/06/2022 10:52 pm
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