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Scaling Help  

Martin Smith
Scaling Help

Hi, I was wondering if someone might be able to advise me on an issue I have with a print on my Ender 3 V2 NEO. I have been trying to print a Microscope Lens adaptor for Sony FE mount using the excellent design by Nick Sherlock who has very kindly been supporting me in recent days. In order to get the microscope lens to fit properly to the thread on one end of the adaptor I have had to increase the scaling in Prusa Slicer to 103 on the X and Y axes. Whilst this facilitates a nice snug fit for the lens, the downside is that the scaling also increases the width of the other end of the adaptor which means that it will not fit the camera. My question is this - would it be possible to just scale the lens thread end, and then continue to print the rest of the adaptor at the default scaling of 100. Is varying the scaling across a single print even possible? When I print the adaptor using the settings in the description from Nick Sherlock it fits on to my Sony A7III albeit a little bit tight which is acceptable. However, when I try to screw the little Reakway 4X Microscope lens in to the other end it is so tight that it just wont go in. Nick's suggestion was to increase the scaling in my slicing software by a small amount to see if the lens would then fit. I then did a couple of prints, just printing a 10mm high section of the problematic end with a few different scaling values. When I got to a scaling value of 103, I found that the lens screwed in to the 10mm high section easily with a snug fit. I then realised that by entering this scaling value it would affect the entire adaptor when printed. Hopefully someone can advise me on a way forward as I am really very new to 3D printing. Thanks, Martin

Publié : 23/04/2023 1:21 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Scaling Help

No you cant in the slicing software* .  This is what CAD software is for.  If you are going to do more 3d printing beyond just downloading stuff off the internet then you had best start learning.  Many models require tweaking or downright fixing to get decent results




*you sort of can, you would import the model twice (or cut it in half).  Separate the parts.  Scale the one you want.  Merge the parts together.  Try and align everything up again with the terrible tools in PS for alignment (non existent and by eye).  Then print.  All to rescale some part of a model that would take 2 minutes to do in something like Blender if you know what you are doing.

Publié : 23/04/2023 6:04 pm
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