Retraction on filament change
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Retraction on filament change  

Famed Member
Retraction on filament change

I occasionally print models with a manual filament swap at some point. In old versions of Prusaslicer, it was really bad because the toolhead would return to the position where it was when the change was triggered and deposit a dot of new filament on top of the old filament. That has thankfully changed recently, so the toolhead now moves straight to where the new color begins. Still, I find it at times to put down just a tad too much filament in that spot, and I was wondering if there was a way to trigger some additional retraction just for that situation. The normal retraction/deretraction settings in Printer Profile don't seem to be the right place, as everywhere else in the model retractions are just fine.

My current kludge is to print a small extra model next to the main model and have the toolhead start its journey after the color swap there.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 28/08/2024 6:42 pm