Reload model if edited in CAD [feature request]
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Reload model if edited in CAD [feature request]  

Active Member
Reload model if edited in CAD [feature request]

I usually iterate a model until its ready, it would be great if PrusaSlicer would reload the current STL if updated with a new version, so reslicing is just a press of the button, with all the tweaks done in slicer remain untouched. Cura has this since ages and its great.

Or maybe its already there and I didn't found the config yet, I'm new to PS. Thanks

Napsal : 05/07/2023 3:58 pm
Noble Member
RE: Reload model if edited in CAD [feature request]

Napsal : 05/07/2023 8:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Reload model if edited in CAD [feature request]

I was wondering if this can be added as an option to be done automatically by prompting that a new version of the file is available and asking to replace it.

Napsal : 05/07/2023 10:29 pm