Reduce Bed Mesh Leveling time by restricting to printable area
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Reduce Bed Mesh Leveling time by restricting to printable area  

Trusted Member
Reduce Bed Mesh Leveling time by restricting to printable area

I typically use the 7x7 mesh area on my Prusa MK3S+ printer to maximize accuracy -- however, it takes about 2 minutes of time even when the actually print area is only a fraction of the full build plate.

Why can't the slicer use the known bed area used to restrict the leveling to just that area... then the printer would only level the points inside and immediately around the actual printed area.

This may require a revised Marlin-type command to restrict the bed leveling to just certain grid points but the time savings would be substantial and consistent especially for small and short prints...

Veröffentlicht : 12/10/2022 4:23 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Reduce Bed Mesh Leveling time by restricting to printable area

First of all this is a user to user forum. All issue reports and feature requests need to be made over on the appropriate GitHub project. 

Secondly what you propose would require a firmware update on whatever printer you wanted to do that on. The slicer side could already be done as there are already values available for print area that could be put into the start gcode and passed on. 

Thirdly the suggestion has already been made several times on GitHub. In fact it’s one of the things that the PRUSA XL is supposed to be capable of doing when/if it’s ever available. 

Veröffentlicht : 12/10/2022 5:14 pm
Trusted Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Reduce Bed Mesh Leveling time by restricting to printable area


Veröffentlicht : 13/10/2022 5:47 am