PrusaSlicer setting vs Cura, am I missing something?
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PrusaSlicer setting vs Cura, am I missing something?  

Active Member
PrusaSlicer setting vs Cura, am I missing something?

HI there,  

First off, if I'm breaking the rules please point me in the right direction.

I'm hoping someone on this forum with deeper knowledge of these two products can help me figure out what is going on. 

The image on the left is sliced with Cura (4.13.1) and the right with PS (latest, 2.4.1).  I have spent many hours trying to get rid of that artefact in PS, changing retraction, multiplier, etc to no avail.  Then for kicks I downloaded the latest Cura and sliced/printed with default/factory profile and that gave me the results on the left.  A tiny bit over extruded perhaps, but no traces of that seam-like thing (on the PS file my seam is on the back, and I can show it if you like, this messy thing is not the seam). 

I have not had time yet to dissect both profiles attribute by attribute, that is the plan this evening.  Just hoping someone with more knowledge/experience that me knows what this might by looking at it. 

FWIW: my printer is an Artillery SideWinder X1 with an SKR 1.4 board and Hemera hot end (so a SW shell with hopefully better parts). 



Napsal : 23/03/2022 8:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: PrusaSlicer setting vs Cura, am I missing something?

Well, here I am answering my own question. 

After a few iterations I found that this particular artefact was fixed by unchecking 'external perimeters first'.  I had left this enabled for most all of my prints as I found it really improved dimensional accuracy. 

So one problems solved.  Other problems to sort out:

  • Horizontal banding (check my Z-axis).
  • Bulging at corners.  Likely have to revisit my extrusion multiplier and Linear Advance, speed and acceleration.  Not sure speed is a factor since I'm running 20 mm/s on external perimeters.  

Might try throwing Klipper on as it seems interesting and some interesting 

Maybe the above will be helpful to someone else. 


Napsal : 24/03/2022 7:43 pm