Prusaslicer problem wall perimeters
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Prusaslicer problem wall perimeters  

New Member
Prusaslicer problem wall perimeters

Hello everyone

The Snapmaker 2 is my first printer so i only know how to use their software called Luban as a slicer (Luban is realy bad and very limited). Recently i tried Prusaslicer 2.3.0 because i wanted to play around with some more advanced options. I found some config files on the forum of Snapmaker and used those. The first print in PLA worked fine. Now with my second model i encounterd a problem which i never had in Luban.

I wanted to print a little bowl/shell and went from 0.2 mm Layer hight to 0.1 mm. I saw that the single lines got much smaller and more narrow. Like my wall thickness is 1.5 mm and am used to that Luban just makes 4 perimeters of around 0.4 mm width. Now in Prusaslicer i got with 0.2 mm like 8 perimeters and with 0.1 mm i now have 8 perimeters with a lot of infill.

The print with the gcode of Luban worked perfect and it stuck perfectly to the printbed.
The print with the gcode of Prusasclicer stuck to the printbed but i canceled the print on the second one because it looked awfull, because the nozzle destroyed the already printed layer.

It just seemed like these Lines are way to narrow and i would like to have a sliced model as in Luban but with features like ironing and diffrent infill…

It somehow seems like my Layer hight is affecting the line width and i have no clue how this is called or which setting is causing this.

I also tried cura today and i sliced it the same way as Luban did with around 4 perimeters. I just don't know what im doing wrong with Prusaslicer.

Ik that my model/settings are for TPU but i'm just trying some stuff and got stuck at this point.


Layer hight: 0.2 mm
perimeter: 4

Layer hight: 0.1 mm
perimeter: 4

Prusaslicer 2.3.0
Layer hight: 0.2 mm
perimeter: 8

Layer hight: 0.1 mm
perimeter: 8 + infill

Took 3 Screenshots to somehow show what happened. I don’t even know how to call that issue to google about it.

Respondido : 18/02/2021 8:44 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusaslicer problem wall perimeters

The best way to debug these is to save your project file (file>save as). That saves a 3mf file. The 3mf contains the model and all your settings. It allows us to slice exactly the same as you and look for problems in all the varied settings. To attach a file to the forum though you need to zip it into a zip archive as the forum is picky on the file types it allows. 

With that being said can I ask where you got your snap maker profile from ? I ask as we had another poster also having strange issues with his slicing. Turns out he had downloaded a few profiles and was using them. Those profiles look wrong when I looked at the internal ink structure and contained settings in the printer section that are normally in the print and filament sections. As such it was over riding all sort of settings it shouldn’t do no matter what was set in the print settings. 
Also one thing you should know even with a normally working profile that setting a % setting on widths means it is calculated over layer height, not nozzle width. It’s counter intuitive but it is mentioned in the tool tip for those settings. As such when you have a low layer height it will make your extrusion widths also thin. It’s far better to set a specific width for the nozzle like the Prusa profiles do. 

Respondido : 18/02/2021 9:01 pm
bobstro me gusta
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusaslicer problem wall perimeters


That realy sounds like something i did and probably got wrong, i will test that tomorrow, 99% sure that my lack of understanding that % are affected by layer hight caused this.


Thank you!

Respondido : 18/02/2021 10:00 pm