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PrusaSlicer 2.4 Alpha  

Famed Member
PrusaSlicer 2.4 Alpha

Now downloadable at https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases.

Looking over the release notes, they could have easily called this 3.0.  A host of great new features!

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 01/09/2021 4:40 pm
Nick me gusta
Illustrious Member

A bit late there Fuchsr lol. Already posted that one post down. Yeah the feature list is stellar. Already sliced some stuff and have it printing to test out the snug supports and thin bridging. 

Respondido : 01/09/2021 5:02 pm
Famed Member
Topic starter answered:

Yeah, at least for me that's the highlight of the new features and addresses a serious shortcoming of PrusaSlicer.

I also like the changes they made to bridging, such making support enforcers take precedence. That may cut down on this litany of "BUG IN PRUSASLICER!!! Supports are not generated" posts when Don't support bridges is enabled.

And some good changes to how brims are handled, including elephant foot compensation.

Plus fuzzy skin, but I guess the excitement about it will quickly give way to "yeah, whatever" for me.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 01/09/2021 8:10 pm
Illustrious Member

I am so used to the separate offset for brim in Super Slicer that I am really glad they added the same thing into PS finally.  I've been playing with the brim settings and I still think SuSi has the edge as it can handle nested objects and still generate brims around the inside ones but the new version is massively improved. 

Respondido : 01/09/2021 10:29 pm
Prominent Member
RE: How to add i3MK3S+?

Hi, I installed it on my PC and only "Original Prusa MINI" shows up. How do I add i3MK3S+? I tried "Add/Remove presents" and a warning window showed up "PrusaSlicer is not using the newest configuraiton available. Configuration Wizard may not offer the latest printers, filaments and SLA materials to be installed. Would you like to install it?" Shall I just say yes and proceed? Also tried Add Physical Printer and the pull down menu only shows the Mini. 

Asked Prusa support and the agent had no idea about the software! She just told me to use 2.3. Easy job for her! 

Respondido : 03/09/2021 1:46 pm
Prominent Member
Where is the thick_bridges option?

Hi, where is this option?

Respondido : 03/09/2021 2:16 pm
Active Member
How do we install it?

There is no installer so how did you install it to be printing with it already? There is no readme to explain anything. Care to share another GITHUB secret? Thanks for your time and help.

Respondido : 04/09/2021 1:49 am
Illustrious Member

You download the zip archive of the release for your OS from the releases page of GitHub , unzip to a folder and then just run the program exe. It doesn’t need to be installed. Create a shortcut if you want to make starting it easier. 
Do be aware that alphas use a different config folder location so if you have never used an alpha before then it will be like a new install. This is to protect your existing configs from potential damage. 
so run through the wizard once to install the basic system printers and filaments and then you can use save config bundle from the 2.3 release and then import config bundle on 2.4 to copy over all your custom profiles. 

You do use the export config bundle regularly to back up your profiles don’t you ?  If not you should. 

Respondido : 04/09/2021 9:38 am
Famed Member
Topic starter answered:

Where is the thick_bridges option?

The magnifying glass on the top of the Settings screens is your friend. Just type in the term you're looking for.

BTW, it's in Layers and Perimeters/Quality

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 04/09/2021 12:58 pm
prusanewuser me gusta
Prominent Member
Support is difficult to remove

Hi, even I left the Contact Z distance to the default value of 0.2 (detachable), support under 2.4 alpha is difficult to remove. How come?

Respondido : 05/09/2021 7:20 pm
Famed Member
Topic starter answered:

I must say that I haven't actually checked if the defaults have changed in Pruslicer. I'm still using these settings which result in supports that are much easier to remove:

0.25mm z distance

3mm pattern spacing

75% xy distance

0.2mm interface layer spacing

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 05/09/2021 9:00 pm
New Member
Brim Option to print Brim and first layer of object

I was hoping that with the brim setting able to assign per object there would be the option for the object to print the brim and first layer fully, then move to the next object, brim+ layer 1 and so on.

I am printing the brim for better edge adhesion but find if load the build plate with too many objects the brims come loose and then i end up with a big wad of plastic. could we please try and add an option to do this?

Respondido : 06/09/2021 11:48 pm
brim per object adjustment.

It does not appear to be a feature yet.  

Posted by: @gamerrangerbob

I was hoping that with the brim setting able to assign per object there would be the option for the object to print the brim and first layer fully, then move to the next object, brim+ layer 1 and so on.

I am printing the brim for better edge adhesion but find if load the build plate with too many objects the brims come loose and then i end up with a big wad of plastic. could we please try and add an option to do this?


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Respondido : 07/09/2021 1:15 am
Tom Wilson
New Member
MMU2 functionality

While I love the MMU paint support, I just have to wonder why the Dribbling version code isn't being incorporated into this version? Does anyone know if it is on the roadmap for a future release? I could not get good tips until I switched to that version, I would rather not lose that functionality if Prusa has not brought something comparable with this release. Fingers crossed as the features list for this one is impressive.


Respondido : 10/09/2021 1:21 pm