Prusa Slicer fills in pipe connector (unexpectedly)
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Prusa Slicer fills in pipe connector (unexpectedly)  

New Member
Prusa Slicer fills in pipe connector (unexpectedly)

Hi, I recently downloaded a pipe connector script from Thingiverse (   created in Open SCAD. When I render the code in Prusa Slicer the software adds fill at the junctions of the two pipe connections, making it unusable as a pipe. I have tried altering the fill settings but without success. This is my first foray into 3D printing, so any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks, Patrick

Postato : 08/06/2021 6:28 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Slicer fills in pipe connector (unexpectedly)

I downloaded it and the default rendered and sliced as intended.

Is this your first time with OpenSCAD too?  That script has a lot of redundancy and makes a simple task a much harder read than it might be.

It's the sort of simple object that I tend to knock up as a quick and dirty ten minute script and delete after printing.  There's a superyacht off the south coast with two of these in her fuel pumps...  but we're not talking PLA here.

It's also the sort of object that a beginner in OpenSCAD should start with; a useful part that's not too complicated.

You don't have to take that script as a model BTW, there are many different ways to approach it, for example:


// then cut out fitting slots, eg:
// you can do the other end - hint: it's simpler

module shape(rad1,rad2,h1,h2,h3){

This will start a similar part, I've left it for you to finish.  Don't set $fn until you need an accurate render, you save a lot of time that way.

I'm guessing you tried to modify the parameters to fit your case without fully analysing the script and broke the part, easy to do with many self published scripts.

Hth, cheerio,


Postato : 08/06/2021 8:48 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Slicer fills in pipe connector (unexpectedly)

Many thanks for your very helpful reply. Yes, to both counts of newness to 3D printing and Open SCAD. I was able to modify the code to produce something very suitable. Although this will be substantially less-travelled than your component in the super yacht, it will allow me to perform respiratory pressure measurements with another type of mouthpiece.

Cheers, Patrick

Postato : 10/06/2021 6:10 am