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Prusa slicer crashing after slicing
Facing the following bug with PrusaSlicer 2.7.1 / Windows 11
If i duplicate an object and slice, the program systematically quit.
In Windows events, i can see this output :
24/02/2024 18:40:59 Application Error 1000 Événements d’arrêts inattendus d’applications "Nom de l’application défaillante prusa-slicer.exe, version :, horodatage : 0x657872dd Nom du module défaillant : PrusaSlicer.dll, version :, horodatage : 0x657872c8 Code d’exception : 0xc0000409 Décalage d’erreur : 0x0000000002e25915 ID du processus défaillant : 0x0x51DC Heure de début de l’application défaillante : 0x0x1DA674886E290CD Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : C:\Program Files\Prusa3D\PrusaSlicer\prusa-slicer.exe Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: C:\Program Files\Prusa3D\PrusaSlicer\PrusaSlicer.dll ID de rapport : de7f0fd8-cd25-45de-914d-7e71719ad5ae Nom complet du package défaillant : ID de l’application relative au package défaillant : "
Thanks for helping.
This topic was modified 10 months ago by kankan
Posted : 24/02/2024 5:51 pm
RE: Prusa slicer crashing after slicing
This should really be in the FAQ, but this is a user to user forum. The Dev's don't monitor the forums.
All issues and bug reports need to be made over on the Prusa Slicer github page located at
While users here may have encountered the same or similar issues and may possibly have suggestions the github page and bug reports are essential in letting Prusa know of issues and them potentially fixing them.
Posted : 24/02/2024 6:21 pm
Topic starter
RE: Prusa slicer crashing after slicing
Thank you i will post there.
Sorry for misunderstood.
Posted : 24/02/2024 6:22 pm