Prusa Slicer 2.4.2 gcode time estimate much longer than 2.2.0+ (and 2.2.0 seems accurate)
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Prusa Slicer 2.4.2 gcode time estimate much longer than 2.2.0+ (and 2.2.0 seems accurate)  

New Member
Prusa Slicer 2.4.2 gcode time estimate much longer than 2.2.0+ (and 2.2.0 seems accurate)

Hi all,

I have PS 2.4.2 installed on one machine, and PS 2.2.0+ installed on another.   I load the same exact .3mf file into each version and generate gcode without changing any options.  Both are in normal mode (not stealth.) The time estimates for each are:
2.2.0:  5h 56m
2.4.2:  8h 19m

I printed the 2.2.0 version gcode and the estimate was pretty close - it actually completed ~9m faster than estimated.  Anyone know off-hand why version 2.4.2 gives an estimate that is almost 2.5 hours slower?

I did notice on quick glance that the the speed and acceleration values are the same and that the 2.4.2 version is 116,253 lines longer than the 2.2.0 version, but I haven't done a detailed parse of the two different gcode files produced. Thought I'd ask if anyone already knows what is driving the time estimate and gcode gen differences.

Thanks much!


Napsal : 21/05/2022 2:41 pm
Noble Member
RE: Prusa Slicer 2.4.2 gcode time estimate much longer than 2.2.0+ (and 2.2.0 seems accurate)

PS 2.4.2 (perhaps earlier vers as well) has a feature to compare profiles. Its on Windows/Compare profiles. All may be revealed.

Napsal : 22/05/2022 11:37 am