Prusa Slicer 2.3.0 - Unwanted bridge infill in hollow printed parts.
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Prusa Slicer 2.3.0 - Unwanted bridge infill in hollow printed parts.  

New Member
Prusa Slicer 2.3.0 - Unwanted bridge infill in hollow printed parts.

I never had bridge infill when printing a solid with 0% infill.
Infill provide travel moves which I can’t use if I print with LW PLA.

Prusa Slicer 2.3.0 with infill



Prusa Slicer 2.0.0 no infill

Is there anything to disable?

Postato : 14/01/2021 9:19 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Slicer 2.3.0 - Unwanted bridge infill in hollow printed parts.

Please attach your saved project file that has the problem.

If you aren't familiar with how to do that (the forum has a few quirks that can make it difficult).
Save the project as a 3mf (File>Save Project as).  This will output a .3mf file to your computer.  Take the 3mf file and zip it into an archive.  You can also just rename the .3mf file to be  Then take the zip file and attach it to a post here.
The forum is very picky on the file types allowed which is why it MUST be zipped.

Once we have the 3mf project file it means we can slice using exactly the same parameters and settings that you are using.  We should then be able to see exactly what you are getting as output and are then more easily able to adjust settings and re-slice to help debug any issues.

Postato : 15/01/2021 9:19 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Slicer 2.3.0 - Unwanted bridge infill in hollow printed parts.

Thank you for your help.
I now find out that all versions back to 2.0.0. generate infill.
The only version that does not is the version 2.0.0 (and older) that is integrated in Repetier Host.

This problem will always occur for me and many others when printing my wings.
With Simplify3D it would be no problem (3 processes). But I would rather use Prusa Slicer, and not everyone has S3D.

If there is a solution for this, I would be very grateful.

Servosegment 4 grd.3mf

Postato : 15/01/2021 3:04 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Slicer 2.3.0 - Unwanted bridge infill in hollow printed parts.

Is there any way to contact the developer directly about the problem?

Postato : 01/02/2021 5:44 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Slicer 2.3.0 - Unwanted bridge infill in hollow printed parts.


My apologies for not replying when you posted the project.  It seems I didn't get a notification email and the forum didn't show me your post as marked new so I didn't even see your reply.  I did get a notification for your most recent post however.

The only way to interact with the developers is via the Prusa Slicer github site.  Github is what they use to receiver bug reports and feature requests.  All issues there get an issue number and are tracked.  It is located here

The issue you are having is a very long standing one though.  I remember seeing it originally and found the issue I was thinking of - from 2018 so as you can see its been reported multiple times and is still outstanding.  As such you can add your information to that thread.  Don't open a new one as it will just get closed as a duplicate of an existing issue.

The extra infill is the least of your worries with that slice though as there are multiple things wrong with it.  The top bridging wont work as sliced anyway.  I notice its split up into separate areas so in effect there is lots of bridging ending in thin air where section meet over nothing.

Also the leading edge of the wing isnt really attached to the middle and the same with the rear.  Well the walls are printed next to each other but thats going to be very weak.  It looks a lot like the 3dlabs rc plane geometry.  That is not valid to be sliced in Prusa Slicer.  There are also multiple threads both here and on github about adding support  for those 3dlab files but as they arent technically manifold the slicing engine for PS would have to be considerably rewritten from what I can understand.  

If you are interested in such things it might be worth a read.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Postato : 01/02/2021 6:59 pm