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Problem dialing in retraction  

Active Member
Problem dialing in retraction

I've had a heck of time dialing in retracting for my Sapphire Plus printer. No matter what I sat the retraction value to for extruder 1, it didn't make any difference to the print. I even rebuild the hot-end, thinking it was a hardware build issue.
Nothing worked.

Then I looked through the gcode. I have retraction set to 6mm. But nowhere can i find retraction value anywhere near that. I do however see comments for wipe start and wipe ends.
So I tried superslicer (as it's build on prusa slicer) just for a comparison. In the gcode generated by that, I see no wipe section, and I do see the E-6 retraction commands as expected. Moreover, the model printed flawlessly. All stringing is completely gone now.

So my question, what am I missing in PrusaSlicer since the retraction value doesn't appear to get set correctly in the resulting gcode?
How can I tune the wipe that happens (I only have one extruder, and there are no filament changes in the model)?

Publié : 16/01/2022 2:16 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Problem dialing in retraction

Forgot to mention, I'm on Prusa Slicer 2.4, and Super Slicer v.

Publié : 16/01/2022 2:35 am
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