Printing internal structure - HELP
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Printing internal structure - HELP  

New Member
Printing internal structure - HELP

I am trying to print a simple sphere with an internal structure. This internal structure (actually its more of a void) will hold a magnet. My plan is to pause the print as it nears the final layer of the void and drop the magnet in place, then continue the print.

My problem is that PrusaSlicer is not recognizing this internal structure/void and simply fills the sphere with the assigned infill - basically creating a solid part.

Am I missing a default or setting of some sort?

Please help!

Thanks in advance!

Postato : 08/02/2020 4:00 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printing internal structure - HELP

Sounds like badly defined normals in the model.

Postato : 08/02/2020 4:17 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printing internal structure - HELP


"Badly defined normals" can you please explain? 

Postato : 08/02/2020 4:22 pm
Noble Member
RE: Printing internal structure - HELP

Normals define, what side of a face is outside and what is inside. If we imagine a cube inside a cube, we get a cavity or a solid, depending on the orientation of the normals of the inner cube.

Postato : 08/02/2020 4:28 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printing internal structure - HELP

Excellent! Got it fixed. Thank you!

Postato : 08/02/2020 4:52 pm