Printer trying to iron on the first layer??
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Printer trying to iron on the first layer??  

Active Member
Printer trying to iron on the first layer??

Prusa 2.6

I just started a new print. The first layer was going down fairly well (yes, I realize it isn't prefect). Then, the printer went back over the first layer, like it was ironing, but not putting down any filament (Ironing is NOT enabled on this print). When it got to this spot it ripped up the first layer. The printer seems to be going back over the first two layers wiping over what it just printed.
Why would this happen and how do I stop this behavior? Thank you for any shared wisdoms!


Veröffentlicht : 01/08/2023 3:05 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Printer trying to iron on the first layer??

Without your project file its impossible to know.  Anything would just be a guess. 

A Prusa Slicer project file (3mf) is a complete snapshot of your environment, containing the in use profile settings, the model(s) and any modifiers etc that may be in play.  We can slice, preview and generate the same gcode as you would.  

However you have to zip up a 3mf file to attach it to a post here.  The forum is very restricted on allowed file types.  If not zipped up it will just silently not attach anything.

Veröffentlicht : 01/08/2023 5:43 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Printer trying to iron on the first layer??
Posted by: @neophyl

Without your project file its impossible to know.  Anything would just be a guess. 

Thank you for the reply! In the future, I will definitely include more data if I have issues. 

After going through Prusa line by line, I did use ironing the other day and forgot that Prusa activates/ deactivates other changes through the slicer when you check ironing. I managed to undo all that and now things are back to how they should be. Sigh. Long day to kick yourself in the butt.



Veröffentlicht : 01/08/2023 11:18 pm