Print time increased on same print (newbie question)
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Print time increased on same print (newbie question)  

Active Member
Print time increased on same print (newbie question)

Hey everyone, I am very new to 3D printing (got my first printer 4 days ago). 

I'm having an issue with PrusaSlicer.  On Monday, I imported an .STL I wanted to print into PrusaSlicer and exported the g-code. The estimated print time was 8hr 12 min. I forgot to save the project and closed out of PrusaSlicer. Yesterday I was looking through settings and reading about 3D printers and printer settings. I saw that I could randomize seam position. I thought that was a cool feature and wanted to see if it would drastically increase my print time.

I booted up PrusaSlicer and got some message about updating configuration (honestly didn't read it much and clicked through). I imported the same .STL file (all print, filament and printer settings are the same except for the seam position now being random instead of nearest). The print time came back as 11h 49m. I thought that was a crazy high jump for changing what I thought to be somewhat minor change. I reverted all settings to default and sliced it again. Now it's saying 11h 29m for the exact same print it told me would be 8h 12m on Monday.

I'm sure I changed some setting without me realizing it but everything seems to be set to defualt. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?

I also tried it with a different .STL file I had sliced on Monday and it's giving me the same print times. I also deleted the .STL and downloaded it again. Thinking I may have corrupted the file somehow but it's still saying 11h 29m.


Respondido : 21/10/2021 2:26 pm
Honorable Member
Layer Height?

Did you by any chance change the layer height without realizing?


Respondido : 21/10/2021 2:39 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
I wish it was that.... 🙁


Posted by: @sylviatrilling

Did you by any chance change the layer height without realizing?

Nope, that's the first thing I checked. Both are at 0.05mm and I tripled checked it. I know 0.05mm is really small and I've read it's not that better for the increased print time but I'm curious to see the difference. I already printed the same .stl file at 0.1mm at 4h 43m.

Respondido : 21/10/2021 2:43 pm
Famed Member

It could be a boatload of things.  Maybe the new filament profile has a different Maximum Volumetric Speed. Or you have  changed something inadvertently. Impossible to diagnose without you posting the zipped (important!) 3mf file here. 

Also, with a 0.4 mm nozzle you're almost guaranteed to see no difference going below 0.1 mm. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 21/10/2021 3:12 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Thought as much


Posted by: @fuchsr

It could be a boatload of things.  Maybe the new filament profile has a different Maximum Volumetric Speed. Or you have  changed something inadvertently. Impossible to diagnose without you posting the zipped (important!) 3mf file here. 

Also, with a 0.4 mm nozzle you're almost guaranteed to see no difference going below 0.1 mm. 

I figured that was probably the case but I was hoping I was missing something obvious. Unfortunately, I did not save the 3mf file on the first slice (the 8h one) so I can't troubleshoot it that way or attach it here. 

Thanks for the reply. I guess it will remain an unsolved mystery. :/

Respondido : 21/10/2021 3:25 pm
Illustrious Member

If you still have the gcode you used you can actually load the settings from it as a copy of *most* of the settings is saved at the end.  You can use File>Import>Import Config and choose the previous gcode.

Its not as good as having a saved project but it can be useful.  

Its also possible that Prusa changed some of the profile settings during that update.  That's one of the downsides of running default profiles, if at any point Prusa decide to update them then your slice isn't guaranteed to be the same.

I'd agree with fuchsr that 0.05 is pointless and you are risking a filament clog/jam if the print has many retractions.  If you don't have experience with dealing with those then you soon will have.

Respondido : 21/10/2021 3:25 pm
Famed Member

Even the new 3mf may allow us to check out your settings to see what could be improved. 

There are folks on this forum with knowledge to optimize prints that always blows me away. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 21/10/2021 3:45 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Just tried it


Posted by: @neophyl

If you still have the gcode you used you can actually load the settings from it as a copy of *most* of the settings is saved at the end.  You can use File>Import>Import Config and choose the previous gcode.

Its not as good as having a saved project but it can be useful.  

Its also possible that Prusa changed some of the profile settings during that update.  That's one of the downsides of running default profiles, if at any point Prusa decide to update them then your slice isn't guaranteed to be the same.

I'd agree with fuchsr that 0.05 is pointless and you are risking a filament clog/jam if the print has many retractions.  If you don't have experience with dealing with those then you soon will have.

Just tried the import config. All settings (print settings, filament settings and printer settings) are the exact same (except for filament color and printer setting "custom g-code"), which both of those make sense to me. Even using the imported config from the g-code that has a print time of 8h, it still is showing 11h print time of the same .STL. 

I'm currently printing the supposed 8 hr print. I'm wondering if something glitched and it just showed an incorrect print time. I've re-imported all the .stl files that I had previously sliced and exported as g-code. They all show the same print times as the first time I did it except for this one .stl at 0.05mm. It shows the exact same print time at 0.1mm today as it did previously.

If printing at 0.05mm isn't that helpful anyway and is just gonna cause issues, I guess I'll chalk it up as a glitch and move on.

I have yet to experience a filament clog/jam or any complication with printing other than this. Granted I've only printed 5 things so far and most of them have been very rectangular in shape. Looks like I have some fun times ahead.


Thanks for all the replies!

Respondido : 21/10/2021 3:56 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
.3mf files


Posted by: @fuchsr

Even the new 3mf may allow us to check out your settings to see what could be improved. 

There are folks on this forum with knowledge to optimize prints that always blows me away. 

Worth a shot. I'm more curious than anything. It just doesn't make since what changed.

Here is a .zip with two .3mf files. One is my standard settings and the other is after doing "import config" as Neophyl suggested.

Respondido : 21/10/2021 4:05 pm
Famed Member

Looks like the files attachment is missing?

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 21/10/2021 5:01 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print time increased on same print (newbie question)

Trying again.... It doesn't appear to let me attach files... it is letting me attach it in the reply but when I hit post it not in the post.... It's 8.6mb

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 3 years 2 veces por 321sage
Respondido : 21/10/2021 5:06 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Zip it!

Did you zip the file!

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 21/10/2021 5:27 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:


Posted by: @joantabb

Did you zip the file!

It's a .zip file (compressed (zipped) folder)

Respondido : 21/10/2021 5:34 pm