Possible to add height modifier to modify speed automatically?
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Possible to add height modifier to modify speed automatically?  

New Member
Possible to add height modifier to modify speed automatically?

I've been printing some cookie cutters and have been experiencing issues because the bottom (handle) of the cutter has a fillet and is rounded on both the inside and the outside.

I just added a height modifier using this guide: https://help.prusa3d.com/en/article/modifiers_1767/ . It seems to be working wonderfully! I brought the speed down on only the perimeters for the first 4 layers and the filament is now making contact with the edges because the speed was brought down. Really happy with the results.

Is it possible to save/add this height modifier somehow so when I import new STLs into PrusaSlicer, it automatically adds the modifier to the print? This would save a lot of time because ideally I'd want to add this modifier to every print going forward.

Thank you!

Publié : 22/06/2021 11:56 pm
Noble Member
RE: Possible to add height modifier to modify speed automatically?

You can save it as a project (3mf-file).

Publié : 23/06/2021 6:58 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Possible to add height modifier to modify speed automatically?


Thanks for the suggestion. I tried that, but I think it still keeps the same STL file in the project. I'd like to automatically apply the height modifier when I insert a new STL.

Probably not possible, but worth a shot to ask anyway :).

Publié : 23/06/2021 1:41 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Possible to add height modifier to modify speed automatically?
Posted by: @alie

[...] I'd like to automatically apply the height modifier when I insert a new STL.

Are all your cookie cutters the same height? If so, you could add some custom gcode to vary the feed rate at the top layers. Something like:

M220 S{if layer_z < 20}100{else}90{endif} ; M220 adjusts feed rates

inserted under Printer Settings->Custom G-Code->Before layer change g-code (adjust for desired height) should work. This will be applied to ALL prints done using this customized printer profile. Alternately, you can insert custom gcode at a specific height, so something like:

M220 S90

at the desired layer would work. Slice your print and in preview mode, adjust the slider at right to the desired layer, and right-click the little plus sign (+) to select Add custom gcode.



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He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Publié : 23/06/2021 6:11 pm
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