Possible issue with wipe tower disabled when using object to purge into
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Possible issue with wipe tower disabled when using object to purge into  

New Member
Possible issue with wipe tower disabled when using object to purge into

I noticed an interesting behavior when you are using object(s) to purge to when the wipe tower disabled.  I am using 2.4.1 with P2PP 8.0.31 with a Palette 3 Pro.  With the wipe tower enabled, even a very small one, and the “wipe into this object” and “wipe into this object's infill” the color / material transitions occurs where you would expect, starting with the wipe tower and continuing into the purge object(s). 

However, when you disable the wipe tower the behavior changes and the transition occurs on your main parts, where you are trying to avoid the transition, before moving to the wipe to objects.  I tried with different objects and different positioning, but the behavior is always the same. 

It’s not a huge deal but if there way to make it so when the wipe tower is disabled and there are objects set to wipe to it would transition using those.

Napsal : 19/03/2022 11:13 pm
RE: Possible issue with wipe tower disabled when using object to purge into

I have same issue with M4k MMU3.  How do you wipe into another object.  When I do it still does a wiping tower.

Napsal : 29/05/2024 7:16 pm