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Pause at height
Does someone can explain me how to program a pause at a specific layer in PrusaSlicer ?
In Cura I can do it easyly, asking to pause at a choosen layer, travel to 0 X 0Y and keep noozke at 210 degrees. I change my filament color and clik resume print.
I din't find any info on that in help menu!
Thank you 🙂
Napsal : 13/05/2021 12:40 am
RE: Pause at height
Can you see that orange hexagon with a + mark in it when previewing the slice? Click it to add a filament change at that layer. Both right and left clicks do things. Explore...
This post was modified před 4 years by --
Napsal : 13/05/2021 2:10 am
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