Part Manipulation - Mouse ears and scaling glitch
After adding a mouse ear, and finding out that it needs to be a little bigger, I cannot go in to Object Manipulation and edit the size of the mouse ear. Enter a new size, say from 15mm to 20mm, the scale will change as well and also the Y and Z dimensions of the ear will change because the scale is forcing it.
Try to workaround and add another ear, but again, the new ear is not adjustable because the scale changes as well. It is a teeter-tooter effect.
I am using 2.2.0, just downloaded and installed it yesterday. This is a great feature, helps when you don't want to use brim, but still sometimes they don't stick as they should and they need to be made bigger.
Can this glitch be fixed? Is there a setting I need to fix to allow the size to change but not the scale?
RE: Part Manipulation - Mouse ears and scaling glitch
in the right hand window, can you see the item that is the helper disc?
can you select that?
in the right hand window, can you see Scale Factor, with a lock symbol,
Click on the Lock symbol. and you should now be able to alter the X, Y and Z dimensions seperately
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Part Manipulation - Mouse ears and scaling glitch
No I don't see the/a helper disc. In the Object manipulation window, the Scale factor does have a padlock, but locked (gray) or unlocked orange, makes no difference. If I add a new part (for a mouse ear) to add to the model, adjusting the size messes with the scale factor no matter what the padlock looks like. Frustratingly, I was able to adjust the mouse ears sizes the first time I used them after I installed the software. Now, even starting with a fresh model on a clean palette, makes no difference.
RE: Part Manipulation - Mouse ears and scaling glitch
Part II, I've ignored the numbers, and just except that when I set a size, the scale factor can do whatever it wants (hopefully it isn't screwing with the main model) and have hope that when I adjust to 25 mm x 25 mm that is what it will be.
RE: Part Manipulation - Mouse ears and scaling glitch
frustrating isn't it!
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Part Manipulation - Mouse ears and scaling glitch
Yeah, it is. Maybe that's how its supposed to work. I donno, I do like the new features. And with a new Prusa printer coming soon, this software will help I am sure. Thanks for your efforts.
RE: Part Manipulation - Mouse ears and scaling glitch
What the lock that Joan mentioned does is lock or unlock the aspect ratio. The scale values relate to the original size of the added part (I assume since you mentioned mouse ears you added a cylinder primitive part to your object), so in this case you can just ignore the scale. With aspect ratio unlocked, simply set the part's thickness to 1 layer, and the x and y dimensions to what you want.
If none of this really makes sense, we should probably start using screen shots to make sure we agree on terminology.
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