Output filename format - scale placeholder
Hey there,
i would like to know if [scale] is possible as placeholder and autofill for output file format in PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 or higher?
when i try:
the output file is blank so its not workin.
any hints?
Best Answer by bobstro:
You can use any placeholder in the config settings in the filename, but as @Neophyl says, there is no such setting for scale.
RE: Output filename format - scale placeholder
These sorts of questions are best asked on github where the developers live https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc .
However in this case I think scale is unlikely to be available. As scale of what ? There is no global scale parameter in the settings that I am familiar with. A print can consist of many parts, each with its own scale. Which scale should it output into the file name ? You can also scale in x/y/z independently so that would further complicate things.
RE: Output filename format - scale placeholder
These sorts of questions are best asked on github where the developers live https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc .
However in this case I think scale is unlikely to be available. As scale of what ? There is no global scale parameter in the settings that I am familiar with. A print can consist of many parts, each with its own scale. Which scale should it output into the file name ? You can also scale in x/y/z independently so that would further complicate things.
Hey there,
yeah i mean scale[x][y][z] or if its all the same just scale,
and sure a print can consist of many parts but then the input filename would also not work but it does,
its just a bit annoying to everytime write the scale (for the most time its the same for all dimensions) by hand if u try to find the best spot for your part. 🙁
and yes i have seen already a issue on github about that, is just hoped there is already a way to use it
RE: Output filename format - scale placeholder
You can use any placeholder in the config settings in the filename, but as @Neophyl says, there is no such setting for scale.
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RE: Output filename format - scale placeholder
_[scale] worked for me
my settings: {input_filename_base}_{layer_height}mm_[filament_preset]_{printer_model}_[scale]_{print_time}.gcode
output: Baby_Yoda_v2.2-Remix-without-base_0.2mm_Prusament PLA_MINI_x:100% y:100% z:100%_4h10m.gcode
Hey there,
i would like to know if [scale] is possible as placeholder and autofill for output file format in PrusaSlicer 2.3.0 or higher?
when i try:
[input_filename_base]_[scale]_{layer_height}mm_[filament_vendor]_{filament_type[0]}_{printer_model}_{print_time}.gcodethe output file is blank so its not workin.
any hints?
RE: Output filename format - scale placeholder
Scale is one of the new ones, I don't think it was available at the time of the original question.
There is an updated list at https://help.prusa3d.com/en/article/list-of-placeholders_205643 but its missing at least some of them, so its not complete.
Not that Id personally use that scale one, those % characters would kill my webdav directory if they were used.
RE: Output filename format - scale placeholder
That makes sense in timing. I have only been in this crazy 3D world for a few months.
the %’s are okay for me for now, but I hope they add something like scale_factor since my scaling is almost always uniform.