Organic and other supports look like under-extruded
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Organic and other supports look like under-extruded  

Active Member
Organic and other supports look like under-extruded

Hi, I'm pretty new to Prusa slicer but have been printing for years. I love it but am having issues with support stability. I'm currently printing with a direct drive extruder and all metal hot end. I'm printing PETG and the prints are coming out amazing. My problem is with the supports which have been all but useless as I try to dial them in. I have a picture below of what my supports look like. My nozzle is .6 and support material extrusion width was set to .35 which was recommended. They are very weak and generally break off well before they are needed. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of trying .6 as support extrusion width to see how that works but figure that might make it harder to remove them later. I'm printing at 75c and 250c. The pic below is very close up to hopefully give some idea of what is happening. Ugly looking for sure...something is off.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by dagmandt


Posted : 19/09/2023 2:23 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Organic and other supports look like under-extruded

.35 is the general extrusion width for a .4 nozzle, not a .6 nozzle. As the reduced width is designed to make them use less material and be weaker/easier to remove. Also even with a .4 nozzle many people have reported that the organic tree supports are weak with a .35 extrusion width so some of us have been recommending increasing it to .4 to match nozzle size if having trouble. .35 is the traditional value with the older classic or snug supports. For a .6 nozzle using tree then yeah increase that to 0.6 extrusion width and test it. 

Posted : 19/09/2023 3:02 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Organic and other supports look like under-extruded

Ok, sweet. I was on the right track then. I had thought the slicer picked based on nozzle size but must be mistaken. I'm trying .6 next. Thanks!


Posted : 19/09/2023 3:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Organic and other supports look like under-extruded

Yep, that was the issue. Supports work amazingly well now. So simple. Thanks again.


Posted : 20/09/2023 4:06 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Organic and other supports look like under-extruded

Good to hear you have it printing ok now. 

Posted : 20/09/2023 7:24 pm