Optimizing object positions for fastest print time
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Optimizing object positions for fastest print time  

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Optimizing object positions for fastest print time

Hello People,

i'm in the process of printing some objects in 5 colors to be precise im printing these.

i separated the individual gear segments and im gonna print them in the 5 different colors i have available so from about 1cm layer height on i will have all colors on every single layer which will make the print take a while.

i will be printing one set of gears with separated colors and two more sets as purge objects so the buildplate is full.

Overall Prusaslicer estimates 3 days and 20h print time but i noticed as soon as i moved some parts around a little the print time was reduced by 2h so i was wondering if there is any option to optimize the part positions for fastest printime.

Napsal : 18/10/2019 6:50 am