Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?
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Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?  

Trusted Member
Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?

Hey guys,

I often want to print only a small area of a model to check fitment.  Currently I'm doing this by importing to prusa slicer, and adding negative volumes on all the parts I don't want; which often leads to 5 or 6 different box negative volume modifiers.

Is it possible to do this the other way? So add a box and only have the parts of the model inside the box sliced? It would make my life a lot easier!


Posted : 21/04/2022 9:33 pm
Noble Member
RE: Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?



I appreciate what your trying to do, however slicer is not a 3d program, it's a program for slicing your 3d models for printing.

That said, I use a similar technique for testing before printing. The answer to your question is yes, however its much more work to do in slicer then just using the negative volumes as you are now. If you really want to do this faster and more simple, just create a boolean object in your 3D program of choice, import it as a negative object and your set. one part and done.


I hope you understand this and it helps.


Good Luck



The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 21/04/2022 9:49 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?

Yeah that makes sense, just thought it'd be nice to have an easy "Only print items within this box" option within prusaslicer. I can use fusion360 and intersect extrude the areas I want. Thanks!

Posted : 21/04/2022 10:27 pm
Noble Member
RE: Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?



Basically what your asking for is a negative object, (Invert) function, but currently you need to use compound modifiers to do this, and the time is not worth it for this functionality. you get it, I see that, but Slicer really isn't the place for this. you have a 3d program under your belt, even if your still learning. We as users have to watch what we ask for, there are many more important things to ask for in a slicer then this.

For example, and this may seem simple, but wouldn't it be worth gold, to have the items in the sidebar menu remember if they were in the open or closed position. it's been years and version upon version, and this simple functionality can't be realized. doesn't that tell you something? fuzzy skins, and I can almost guarantee, displacement will be implemented before this most basic functionality will come to pass, Prusa goes with the money, it's not about the reality, or the usefulness.  




The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 21/04/2022 11:01 pm
Everett Ramer
New Member

I rotate the part until the portion I want to print is vertical then use "cut" to remove the part I don't want to print. This can be repeated multiple times to isolate a particular feature.

Posted : 17/08/2022 11:54 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?



Cutting is a destructive method, I'm pretty sure the original poster was looking for a non-destructive method.

Posted : 20/08/2022 1:31 am
Noble Member
RE: Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?


Cutting is a destructive method,

Only in as much as the currently loaded image is ammended, just need to reload to get full image. Also undo works just fine.

Posted : 20/08/2022 5:00 pm
New Member
RE: Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?

This would be super useful. It seems like very common use case to want to test & print only part of a model for test fitting. The negative volume feature is a tantalising example of how streamlined this process could be imo - add a cube, resize, done.

Posted : 07/10/2022 12:37 am
New Member
RE: Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?

Is it possible to do this the other way? So add a box and only have the parts of the model inside the box sliced? It would make my life a lot easier!

I know this is an old post, but I figured out a way to do it. (People telling you that you're going about it wrong are only looking at the issue from their own lens. Just because it's not part of their workflow doesn't mean it shouldn't be part of yours.)

I achieved this by creating the modifier shape and setting layers and perimeters. Just leave the modifiers as default (assuming your global settings were already set), then go to the Print Settings tab and set global layers and perimeters to 0. The modifier shape preserves the area you want to print for your test. Slice and print!

Posted : 12/02/2024 7:40 pm
ssmith liked
New Member
RE: Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?


Posted by: @schutz

Is it possible to do this the other way? So add a box and only have the parts of the model inside the box sliced? It would make my life a lot easier!

I know this is an old post, but I figured out a way to do it. (People telling you that you're going about it wrong are only looking at the issue from their own lens. Just because it's not part of their workflow doesn't mean it shouldn't be part of yours.)

I achieved this by creating the modifier shape and setting layers and perimeters. Just leave the modifiers as default (assuming your global settings were already set), then go to the Print Settings tab and set global layers and perimeters to 0. The modifier shape preserves the area you want to print for your test. Slice and print!

Oops: ...and infill.

Posted : 12/02/2024 8:12 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?

This is a pretty good idea. I solved it either in a CAD program using intersections of two solids or in a slicer using solid cuts, but that is quite lengthy. So I will try the idea.

Posted : 13/02/2024 5:59 am
Gareth S Hall
New Member
RE: Only print part of model - opposite of negative volume?

Still can't believe this isn't just a simple tool. Put part on bed, open tool, draw circle over part you want to keep, print. Doing it the long way is really doing it the long way.

Would be good to be able to drop parts bigger than the print bed onto the print bd, cherry pick a section you want with the above tool and print. Currently dropping parts bigger than the bed onto the bed the slicer won't let you go any futher and print just a small bit.


Posted : 26/03/2025 2:39 am