Offset thicknesses in relation to perimeters,, even offset desired in radial Z direction for TPU printing
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Offset thicknesses in relation to perimeters,, even offset desired in radial Z direction for TPU printing  

Active Member
Offset thicknesses in relation to perimeters,, even offset desired in radial Z direction for TPU printing

Ok, so bit of a long one here:

TPU printing hates retractions. If I print large scale, retractions cause blockages relatively quickly, blobs and stringing too. This is circumvented by having consistent perimeters, resulting from very even offsets.

The problem I am having with offsets, is when organic geometry moves from being vertical and approaches 40 degrees, the wall thicknesses increase, resulting in fragments of perimeters. This commands retractions in printing, the more retractions, the more likely the nozzle is to block.

I could endless tune parameters to avoid this (have been without luck), but it is absolutely apparent this can best be avoided by consistent offsets on the Z axis.

A regular offset would be perpendicular to each polygon (in the case of a sphere, this would be like an explosion, all going outwards). For a X, Y and Z axis offsets, these are unidirectional. What I search for is an offset which has a central point then goes radially out on the Z axis like a column (my geometry is also columnar in nature).

Would anyone have an idea how to approach this. Or even an alternative? Would be much appreciated

Ps: There have two of us working on this: Blender: no result. Meshmixer: have yet to write the forum.

Veröffentlicht : 08/02/2024 9:58 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Offset thicknesses in relation to perimeters,, even offset desired in radial Z direction for TPU printing

Apologies, I tried to edit above, but it had expired. 

It should read "What I search for is an offset which has a central point then goes radially out on the X and Y axis like a column (my geometry is also columnar in nature).

Veröffentlicht : 08/02/2024 10:37 pm